Community Outreach & Events
The biggest satisfaction received from community outreach projects and events are being able to tailor a program for families who are not able to get help for themselves. Outreach and community involvement are healing processes for more than its recipients. At Operation CARE, we feel blessed to be able to provide programs of care for our community. As a Maryland nonprofit, we know this is so much deeper than a photo-op. Unfortunately, people often associate community outreach with less fortunate groups of people. In all actuality, our community outreach and events are about fellowship and learning.
​After many months of prayer and hearing from God, July 16, 2016, our founder, Ms. Hollis, debuted The Unleashing #ISurrenderAll conference. October 24, 2020, The Unleashing was attended virtually by approximately 80 women from 10 states. Ms. Hollis is also the creator and host of a weekly ZOOM empowerment show called, Managing the Storm. During this time of togetherness, she shares pertinent information that brings community awareness and knowledge for educating the whole person.
As you see, community involvement can be provided in person and virtually. Operation CARE has taken innovative approaches to hosting community events and providing the so needed community outreach. These opportunities to give back have given insight on the needs of the community, allowing us to become a better community resource. There are initiatives that are intended to provide information, awareness, and sometimes suggest a newer, better way of approaching issues. Operation CARE also uses our outreach opportunities to give local youth a way of giving back, receiving volunteer (service learning) hours, and a chance to learn life lessons that can only be taught by dealing with the public.
We love and appreciate all of our business volunteers, young and seasoned. If you, or someone you know, are interested in being one of our business volunteers please contact us.