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Who is Operation Care?

Operation CARE is a local, Maryland nonprofit organization.  Here, CARE is more than a word we use for expression. It is our acts of compassion, our attentiveness to the communities of Maryland, and our focus on relationships. CARE is Continuity, Assistance, Restoration, and Empowerment. That is who we are. At Operation CARE our goal is to help increase self-enlightenment while teaching empowerment in the process. With the assistance we offer, we go after those elements that allow our community to leave their current situations and equip them to regain their momentum in life.

What We Do

Using a comprehensive approach, our nonprofit organization is geared towards supporting our surrounding community with a collective focus on spirituality, emotional development, and self-empowerment. This is achieved through education for the mind, body, and soul without restraints.


We have many plans for this ministry and want to thank you all for joining us as we embark upon each opportunity on our list.


Our Mission

Operation CARE is an organization that aspires to empower others holistically through self-enlightenment, encouragement, and education as we recover, reset, and renew.


Our Vision

Operation CARE’s initiative is driven by down to earth and the upmost caring professionals. We look to motivate those who are struggling with finding their way and who are having ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior. 

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Why Operation Care?

Operation CARE is not just a non-profit organization, but we are an innovative movement on a mission to change the lives of our forever growing family.


Operation CARE also gives back by assisting women who have been displaced from their employment status and are seeking new employment or job replacement through our Employment Readiness Program (ERP). 


Operation CARE is known for giving back to those in need through our Feed the Need program where we provide those that are among our homeless community or displaced families population with a hot three-course meal. We provide our community with coats, hats, scarves, and other items to help them maintain during the cold winter months. We provide care packages with essentials and basic personal items. We also spread Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence awareness through our information and token packages.


 For several years, Operation CARE has partnered with our local church, Agape Deliverance Ministries, in their effort of providing shelter and feeding homeless women through the Anne Arundel County Winter Relief Program. Last but not least, so that our community of youth are not without, through our iCare program, we give food and toys to assist families and help ensure our youth have a smile on their face, experience happiness, and joy during the holiday season.


You ask, why Operation CARE?  We send love, hope, and unity to our community like none other. We are a team of people who are not sitting on the sideline waiting to be put in the game, we are a team who created our own sport called CARE. 

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